
This is where I’ll post information on my fonts.

My catalog of fonts is available on, and if you’re a web3-enthusiast, I’m glad to share that it’s also available on ThorType.x (you’ll need a web3-enabled browser like Brave or Opera with the UnstoppableDomains-extension installed).

My Creative Fabrica portfolio is available here.

Daily font statistics for Scandinavian DaFont designers are available here.

  • ThorType in Figma again - Today I worked on designing my font portfolio ThorType using Figma. I replaced all the colours of the previous colour with variables so I could easily switch between palettes and picked some
  • ThorType in Figma - Today I’ve been working on improving the ThorType website and hopefully adding a menu at the bottom instead of the haphazardly placed icons for testing the font and viewing the list of
  • Replacing Java FontBox with Python’s FontTools - During the past few days I’ve compared Apache PDFBox/FontBox with the Python FontTools library. Because I found that the FontTools-library was a lot better at extracting information about fonts, I’ve worked to
  • PHP font library - In the thortypetools project I’ve been experimenting with different font libraries for extracting glyphs and other information about a font so I can programatically create proofs, previews, JSON-documents and other useful files
  • Font Reflection - The past few days I’ve been looking into tooling for the ThorType website. The project is available here. One such project is a Swing GUI application where I use Apache FontBox/PDFBox to
  • Character Table works - Today I put some finishing touches on the character table on ThorType. The menu needs improving, I should move it to the bottom of the screen or somewhere I can set up
  • ThorType Character List - Lately I’ve been working on improving my font portfolio website ThorType. It’s a Next.JS project that automatically deploys using a GitHub action to both my regular server and Fleek so my site
  • Fraktur Workflow - Today I thought I’d experiment a bit with screen recording the process of designing the Fraktur Colorfont. I discovered earlier that making the color layers in addition to the effect itself became
  • Back to Fraktur - While I was working on my first plugin release, I noticed a few scripts by mekkablue that allows me to speed up the development of my decorated Fraktur font without having to
  • Plugin Released! - My Gradient Hatch plugin is finally released! It’s available in the Glyphs Plugin Manager. The Gradient Hatch plugin is built on top of the Hatch Outline filter With this plugin you can