8 Bit Patrol-Today I spent some time working on some historic American sheet music I found at the Duke University Library website. I made an arrangement of American Patrol with “8 bit” synthesizers and
Trade Controls in Jump King map-The other day I noticed that one of my tracks was used in a custom map for this game called Jump King.Just thought I’d share it since I’ve found at least two
Donut Heaven and Prismatic Light-A while back I wrote a piece of electronic music called Prismatic Light and released it on SoundCloud and OpenGameart. Today I received an email mentioning that the song was used in
Sunday Ambience part 2-Today I spent some time learning how to program pads in Absynth and Sylenth1. After a few attempts I managed to put together something usable. Earlier this week I’ve also experimented with
Sunday Ambience-Yesterday I put together some more synthesized ambience.I’ve been experimenting by familiarizing myself with other synthesizers than just 3xOSC, the ones I found the most useful was LennarDigitals Sylenth1 Hybrid by Air
Trade Controls-Another Lo-Fi track is up on YouTube, SoundCloud and OpenGameArt. Currently I’m hoping to put together enough ambient tracks and put some vocals from Mises, Sowell, Hayek and Hazlitt on top of
Diminishing Returns-Today I thought I’d have a go at creating a Lo-Fi track. For the vocals I sampled interviews with Thomas Sowell and Ludwig von Mises. Two economists that I just so happen