
  • 8 Bit Patrol - Today I spent some time working on some historic American sheet music I found at the Duke University Library website. I made an arrangement of American Patrol with “8 bit” synthesizers and
  • Trade Controls in Jump King map - The other day I noticed that one of my tracks was used in a custom map for this game called Jump King.Just thought I’d share it since I’ve found at least two
  • Donut Heaven and Prismatic Light - A while back I wrote a piece of electronic music called Prismatic Light and released it on SoundCloud and OpenGameart. Today I received an email mentioning that the song was used in
  • Sunday Ambience part 2 - Today I spent some time learning how to program pads in Absynth and Sylenth1. After a few attempts I managed to put together something usable. Earlier this week I’ve also experimented with
  • Sunday Ambience - Yesterday I put together some more synthesized ambience.I’ve been experimenting by familiarizing myself with other synthesizers than just 3xOSC, the ones I found the most useful was LennarDigitals Sylenth1 Hybrid by Air
  • Trade Controls - Another Lo-Fi track is up on YouTube, SoundCloud and OpenGameArt. Currently I’m hoping to put together enough ambient tracks and put some vocals from Mises, Sowell, Hayek and Hazlitt on top of
  • Diminishing Returns - Today I thought I’d have a go at creating a Lo-Fi track. For the vocals I sampled interviews with Thomas Sowell and Ludwig von Mises. Two economists that I just so happen